If you’ve seen more extra hairs on your bed and pillow or hairbrush than normal, you may worry that you have hair loss. You could actually just be shedding more extra hairs than usual. Yes, there is a difference.

Hair shedding usually stops on its own

It’s natural to shed between 60 and 100 hairs a day. When the body sheds significantly more hairs each day, a person has extreme hair shedding. The medical terminology for this situation is telogen effluvium.

Excessive hair shedding is normal in people who have felt one the following stressors:

  • ● Lost 20 pounds or more further
  • ● Given birth
  • ● Feeling lots of tension (about marriage, going through a divorce, losing a job)
  • ● Had high temperature
  • ● Experienced an operation
  • ● Healing from an illness, especially if it involved high temperature
  • ● Quit taking birth-control tablets

Majority of the people see excessive hair shedding a some months after the stressful situation. For example, a new mom can notice excessive hair shedding about 2 months after delivery. The shedding normally peaks about 4 months after delivery. This shedding is natural and temporary.

As your body adjusts, the excessive shedding stops soon. Within 6 to 9 months, the hair does to regains its natural saturation.

If the stressor stays with you, but, hair shedding can be long-lived. People who are regularly under a lot of tension can have long-term extreme hair shedding.

Hair loss varies from hair shedding

Hair loss happens when something quite the hair from growing. The medical term for this situation is anagen effluvium. The most usual problems of hair loss include:

  • ● Hereditary hair loss
  • ● Immune system overreacts
  • ● Few drugs and procedures
  • ● Hairstyles that pull on the hair
  • ● Harsh hair-care goods
  • ● The compulsion to pick out one’s hair

If you have hair loss, your hair will not begin growing until the problem is solved. For example, people who know chemotherapy or radiation treatments often lose a number of hair. When the procedure stops, their hair does to regrow.

If you assume that a medication or drug is causing your hair loss, talk with your surgeon. Serious side effects can happen if you quickly stop a treatment or drug.

Other problems of hair loss may need treatment. Few people who have hereditary hair loss continue to lose hair without medication. A woman who inherits the genes for genetic hair loss may notice regular thinning. Men who have hereditary hair loss manage to acquire a receding hairline or bald spot that begins in the middle of the scalp.

Treatment benefits many people who have hair loss, but not everyone. A dermatologist can explain to you what to expect.

Dermatologists can differentiate between hair loss and hair shedding

If you are affected by the number of hair falling out, you don’t require to suffer in silence. You can turn to a dermatologist for advice. These doctors specialize in diagnosing and healing the skin, hair, and nails. A dermatologist can advise you whether you have hair loss or excessive hair shedding. Few people have both.

A dermatologist also can determine the problem and tell you what you can assume. Useful treatments choices are available for many kinds of hair loss. The sooner therapy begins, the better the prognosis.

Tips dermatologists provide their patients

Hairstyling without loss

Making few simple and easy changes to your hair care can help stop hair breakage that can eventually make hair loss.

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