Home Health What to Do if You Have Suffered a Hazing Injury

What to Do if You Have Suffered a Hazing Injury

Hazing Injury
Hazing Injury

If you want to get into any exclusive club, organization, or sports team, there’s a strong chance that you will have to do certain things to get in. These can range from doing hours of community work to handling everyday chores for the group.

If things become abusive, however, then it’s your responsibility to come forward and seek help. Some people suffer physical, mental, and emotional injuries from hazing incidents and some of them never truly recover. This is why you should do everything in your power to seek action if you or someone you know has been injured through hazing. Let’s take a look at what you should do following an abusive hazing incident.

Report it Immediately

If the hazing involved any kind of physical or sexual abuse, you need to speak with the police immediately. This kind of hazing is strictly prohibited, and you should contact all relevant authorities as soon as possible. Your school or club probably has a system in place to report these kinds of accidents, so use it and speak with a counselor if you can. Also, let friends and family around you know about the incident.

Get Medical Assistance

The next thing you have to do is seek medical assistance. The doctor will be able to assess your injuries and record them. This record might be the single most important piece of evidence that you can use, so do not take this part lightly.

You also have to make sure that you follow any instructions a doctor gives you. If you don’t follow through on appointments and don’t take your medication, it may be perceived as a sign that your injuries were not that serious and don’t warrant compensation.

Speak with a Lawyer

You should know that there are lawyers who are specialized in these kinds of cases, and they will be able to fight on your behalf and hold all parties accountable. A good intimation lawyer will build your intimidation lawsuit by looking at other areas where you may have been affected and will help you seek compensation for more than your physical injuries.

As we said earlier, hazing can leave long-term psychological scars on victims, and a skilled lawyer will be able to prove them to a judge. They may also be able to go after the school or the organization if they feel they were partly or solely responsible for your injuries.

Limit Social Media Exposure

It could also be a good idea to either limit your social media activity or stop it completely. There’s a strong chance that people from the group you were thinking of joining will get wind of your actions, and they might try to intimidate you through it. You can also do things on social media that could diminish your claim, like seeming too happy or active. So, make sure that you think twice about using social media during the proceedings, and if you’re going to use it, do not accept new friend requests and only stay in contact with your true friends.

Hazing incidents can be very difficult to deal with, and if you feel like you have a case against the organization that hazed you or one of their members specifically, know that you can have recourse. Take the time to fully evaluate the facts and go seek professional help as soon as possible.



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